Where are the greatest risks within my asset base, what mitigating actions should I take? Does my current maintenance strategy sufficiently cover the risks or should I take more or maybe fewer measures? Is it really necessary to rule out any potential risk? After all, this entails costs, but where is the tipping point between investing in preventing malfunction and the negative effect on the operating result?
These are questions a Reliability and/or Maintenance Engineer asks themselves on a daily basis. AMprover5.0 is the all-in-one toolkit that answers these questions. Instead of eliminating every potential risk, we look at the business impact of failures. We focus on the assets/installations that are the real performance killers or cost drivers. You can then analyse failures, optimize your preventive and predictive maintenance plans and upload them to your EAM system.
This webinar provides insight into:
This is a VDMXL Digital Webinar. There are four webinars about four Digital Solutions. These webinars are presented in English, Dutch and French. Click on the language to see the upcoming webinars or – afterwards – the recordings. Participation is free.
Pieter de Klerk
Executive Consultant Mainnovation
Sander Eekhof
Executive Consultant Traduco, a Mainnovation company