ISO 55000 Certification

Obtaining ISO 55000 certification

The ISO 55000 standard has created even greater market awareness for the need of professional Maintenance & Asset Management. Increasingly more companies are consequently obtaining ISO 55000 certification.

Mainnovation guides these companies on the basis of the following three steps:

  1. ISO 55000 Gap Analysis: we assess whether the organisation is compliant with the ISO 55000 standard on the basis of an elaborate checklist. The identified fits & gaps are reported and discussed with the customer.
  2. Resolving the ISO 55000 Gaps: with the help of the VDMXL best practice database, we develop an improvement plan that addresses the identified gaps. After implementationthere is an ISO 55000 Status Report that describes all of the fits & gaps, including the implemented and still ongoing improvement plans.
  3. ISO 55000 Certification: as soon as the most critical gaps are resolved, an authorised party (Lloyds Register, Bureau Veritas, etc.) is engaged to start up the formal certification process. This process can be completed in a relatively short period of time and with little effort on the basis of the ISO 55000 Status Report.

Steps 1 and 2 can be skipped for companies that have implemented VDMXL within their organisation, because VDMXL meets all ISO 55000 requirements.

Logo NEN Standards Committee Member - ISO 55000 CertficationMainnovation is a member of the Dutch standards committee for ISO 55000 and is actively involved in the international committee.


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