Interim & Change

Our Interim & Change improvement approach

Holding on to what’s good and work on improvement points. That’s the basis of our Interim & Change improvement approach. Our internal pool of interim Maintenance & Asset Managers combine high-quality knowledge of VDMXL and change projects with hands-on experience as maintenance-, asset- or reliability manager. They are specialised in improving and professionalising Technical Services. They have access to all Mainnovation’s knowledge and (digital) solutions, such as the VDMXL benchmark database, the VDMXL Process Map, the VDMXL Control Panel and AMprover Software.

The Interim & Change improvement approach involves responding to changing market conditions, production requirements and cost targets – the external factors – but also focuses on the internal capacity for adaptation. New work processes and IT systems, changed maintenance plans and organisational structures should enable the assets to create more economic value for the company. But often things go wrong during implementation. How do we get employees involved in the new working method?

We use ten proven success factors:

  1. Make the need for change visible. We do this through our VDMXL benchmarking and economic value-driver analysis.
  2. Develop a clear vision for the future.
  3. Measure the result and progress. We do this by continuously measuring and improving KPIs in the VDMXL Control Panel.
  4. Create management support by demonstrating the economic added value.
  5. Actively involve the shop floor in the design and implementation of the strategy.
  6. Improve the skills and tools for all employees by training and coaching.
  7. Communicate the change program by storytelling.
  8. Ensure strong leadership within the Maintenance & Asset Management organisation.
  9. Motivate employees and management by using techniques such as change readiness assessments, people impact analyses and the excuse wall.
  10. Engage VDMXL Coaches1 to guide the change process.

1 Our Maintenance & Asset Management professionals can also be deployed as coaches for the current Maintenance & Asset Manager or other employees within the Technical Service. They act as a sounding board and personal trainer.

Want to improve your Maintenance & Asset Management organisation?
Contact us and let’s get started.


  • GHA receives Best Practice Award from IBM Maximo

  • VDMXL methodiek, gives a structured project approach with a successful end.

  • Improvement potential over €10 million per year