Register for the M4S benchmark survey

23 June 2024

The drive towards sustainability and energy efficiency is more critical now than ever. With the European Union’s ambitious targets looming on the horizon, industries in the North-West Europe (NWE) region face the imperative to transition towards greener practices. The MORE4Sustainability benchmark offers a roadmap for companies to navigate this transformative journey. Based on the survey results, participants get a personalised benchmark report, mapping where they stand in the industry.

It is common knowledge that we need to take action when it comes to protecting our planet. The need to be more sustainable, is growing day by day. But what measures can be made by the maintenance department? And which measures have the biggest effect? Many questions, much is still unknown. With the MORE4Sustainability benchmark survey we will provide answers. But we need your input.

Benchmark survey

The MORE4Sustainability benchmark survey consists of two parts. The first part delves deeper into the practice and performance in the field of maintenance and asset management. Consider technical availability, maintenance costs, percentage of preventive maintenance, etc. The second part discusses the measures to be taken that contribute to achieving the sustainability targets. To this end, a Sustainable Asset Management framework has been defined with seventeen areas of attention, which can be applied to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption.

Valuable benchmark report

For all participants an individual benchmark report containing Maintenance and Sustainability KPIs will be created. It is based upon your own input and input from others. It enables you to see where you stand compared to (anonymous) competitors. With this report you will learn where the biggest areas for improvement lie within your maintenance and asset management organisation. And knowing where you stand, helps to take the next step. Also, the report will help you to clarify the added value of sustainability measures (and the contribution from maintenance and asset management in this matter) to your management.

The importance of this survey

The benchmark study maps the degree of implementation and the effect of methods and best practices. The insights from this benchmark study are then used to draw up a comprehensive roadmap, which in a later phase serves as a basis for creating training materials for the maintenance and asset management community. Anyone who participates in the benchmark will also receive a non-binding invitation to participate in the training in 2025.
With international maintenance organisations joining forces, we are aiming to gather insights from over 200 manufacturing companies across Belgium, The Netherlands, France, and Germany. We will also interview front runners to share their knowledge and experience in inspiring case stories. By participating you enable us to create a practical, validated roadmap to Sustainable Asset Management, that will be beneficial for you and all other manufacturing companies. This roadmap contains a set of best practices and a practical approach to achieving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

How to participate

The project focuses primarily on asset owners of capital-intensive assets in the manufacturing industry. These are production companies with a NACE activity starting from C10 to C32. Participation in this benchmark is free of charge. Completing the questionnaire will take approximately thirty minutes, provided the requested data is available.
If you would like to participate, receive the benchmark report and contribute to the realization of the roadmap for Sustainable Asset Management, please registerĀ for the benchmark survey via the following links:

Apply in English:
Apply in Dutch:
Apply in French:
Apply in German:

You can sign up until September 30th 2024. Once registered, you have until October 31st to fill out the survey.


After receiving your registration, we will send you an email with a link to the survey, as well as instructions on exactly what information needs to be filled in. When all surveys are completed, Mainnovation will carry out an analysis of all benchmark data, of course with the necessary confidentiality. Data is treated anonymously and individual benchmark data and names of participating companies are not made public or shared with third parties.
End of 2024/beginning of 2025 you will receive your company’s benchmark report, including a roadmap with possible improvements and a tool for a self-assessment. From 2025, training courses will be organized in the participating countries, both classroom and e-learning training.