Ter Beke is an innovative Belgian fresh food group, which markets a wide range of high-quality fresh food products and related services in numerous European countries.

Today, they are mainly specialised in the production and sale of processed meats and freshly prepared dishes from 12 industrial sites in Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Poland and the United Kingdom. Ter Beke employs approximately 2,600 people. Ter Beke has been listed on Euronext Brussels since 1986 and realised a turnover of EUR 508.6 million in 2017.

In the factory in Wommelgem they produce the complete range of cooked ham, pâté and cooked sausages.

The task
The assignment for Mainnovation at Ter Beke was to train and coach the new reliability engineer. The goal was to achieve a higher uptime, to implement TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) for operators, and to tackle Bad Actors systematically.

The approach
To train people we apply the 10-20-70% rule. We limit classical training to 10% of the time. This is followed by a phase of coaching (20%). After that there is a longer period of review and support (70%). Mainnovation offers a long-term coaching programme for the further development of these Reliability Engineering activities. The RE Roadmap developed by Mainnovation forms the starting point for this. Depending on the level of the organization and the trainee, different techniques can be learned from the roadmap. At Ter Beke we have applied the criticality ranking, Root Cause Analysis and early RCM, we have also provided support in drawing up the criticality ranking, obtaining and understanding long-term data from machines and drawing up standard procedures for TPM and PM plans.

The added value of Mainnovation
By applying the 10-20-70% rule we teach the company the necessary knowledge to work with RE techniques in a structured way. This results in sustainable change that can also be continued after the coaching process. This in turn results in less frustrations among technicians and operators thanks to improved machine conditions and less long unplanned stops.

Less frustrations among technicians and operators thanks to improved machine conditions and less long unplanned stops


more cases

  • Pragmatic approach in the Mississippi Delta

  • Added value in Reliability engineering, SAP PM and Operator Asset Care

  • A small technical service that must behave as a self-improving team.