The Task
MIVB’s technical service is responsible for the maintenance of the metros, trams, buses and rail infrastructure and has a decentralized organization consisting of different business units.
The technical service faces various challenges:
• Increase in the number of passengers and increase in the demand for quality;
• Increase in the number of vehicles, and an increase in stationary and mobile equipment;
• Increase in the number of kilometers travelled and greater wear and tear;
• Aging and retirement of personnel;
• Difficulty recruiting qualified personnel.
All this is further exacerbated by the limited financial opportunities available due to the economic climate.
To increase maintenance productivity, MIVB started to harmonize the large variety of applications within the technical service by replacing them with a standard SAP-based IT solution. Mainnovation provided support to this initiative and was responsible for the project and change management.
The Approach
A qualitative audit of the management organization (fleet + infra) was initiated using the VDM Maturity Matrix/PAS55. The audit served as a basis for the development of an improvement plan.
The maturity of the different processes was tested and the necessary improvements were incorporated into a VDM2.0-based Asset Management Plan.
Pursuant to the audit, an IT strategy (SAP EAM) was developed together with a corresponding Asset Management Process Manual. These documents jointly formed the basis for optimizing and harmonizing SAP EAM (alignment with the actual processes).
Mainnovation’s Added Value
Mainnovation contributed an Asset Management strategy based on best practice asset management and VDM2.0 applications. This strategy, together with the VDM2.0 process map, resulted in the standardization of the necessary processes. By subsequently applying SAP best practices, it was possible to standardize SAP EAM in a simple and recognizable way.
Mainnovation contributed an Asset Management strategy based on best practice asset management and VDM2.0 applications.
The project won the IPMA (International Project Management Award) in the public sector.
Due to the improvements in maintenance, RET, was able to win public tender for bus transportation.
With the introduction of a multidisciplinary professionalized organizational model, Infrabel is focussing on the future.