Due to the mandatory regulations of the American Food & Drug Administration (FDA), many Life Sciences companies are forced to professionalise their Maintenance & Asset Management. Since VDMXL specifically devotes attention to Safety, Health, Environment & Quality (SHEQ) Control, our methodology is used by various large pharmaceutical companies as their Maintenance & Asset Management model.
In addition to complying with laws and regulations, many Life Sciences companies also struggle with the competitive position of their production sites. Most definitely when faced with expiring patents. With VDMXL, we demonstrate how the Maintenance & Asset Management organisation can maximise its contribution to the plant’s competitive position. Is there a requirement to reduce costs or increase uptime? Is there a requirement to reduce the inventory of spare parts or extend the assets’ lifetime? Which strategy creates the greatest economic value for the company; and even more important, how should the Maintenance & Asset Management organisation be changed to achieve this? VDMXL helps address all of these issues, from strategy to implementation.
Want to improve your Maintenance & Asset Management organisation?
Contact us and let’s get started.