The Energy & Utilities sector is the collection of companies involved in the production, storage, transport and distribution of gas, water and electricity. This sector is subject to major changes due to new energy legislation, new forms of energy generation (wind, solar, bio, etc.) and the strong emergence of smart metering and data-driven applications. At the same time, current production facilities and the infrastructure in this sector are significantly aging.
These changes have a major impact on the way in which the technical department must function. In addition to regular maintenance, the department is required to become far more involved in asset lifetime extensions and in modernising infrastructure and production sites. The application of new technologies requires a long-term focus on understanding the user market. As such the technical department migrates from a maintenance service to a Maintenance & Asset Management organisation.
Many Energy & Utility companies use VDMXL to manage this transformation. This has given companies a better grip on the availability and safety of their asset base, and the related costs.
Want to improve your Maintenance & Asset Management organisation?
Contact us and let’s get started.
Evides Industriewater may be an example for industry in the Netherlands and Belgium.
The organization and processes were professionalized on the basis of the VDMXL Process Map.
Elia will further professionalize its asset management approach in the near future.