Leergang Asset Management
21 mei 2025 - 03 juli 2025 - 7-daagse trainingVan 26 tot 28 oktober wordt in het Flanders Meeting & Convention Center Antwerp (Koningin Astridplein 20-26, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium) de 2021 editie van de Asset Performance 4.0 Conference & Exhibition gehouden. Het event biedt bezoekers de gelegenheid te ervaren hoe nieuwe 4.0 technologieën in operations, maintenance en asset management elkaar kunnen versterken om een hogere reliability en betere cost effectiveness te bereiken.
Mainnovation is drie dagen aanwezig op de beursvloer (stand D8) en daarnaast verzorgen we twee zeer interessante lezingen:
A large amount of chemical and petrochemical plants is built in the sixties or seventies of the past century. When a few years ago some incidents occurred, an investigation was executed to find out more about the condition of the installations in the Dutch (petro)chemical branche. Were we right to worry about aging assets? It was a big surprise to discover that factories had been able to rejuvenate their asset base with 25%. The investigation showed that aging of installations is not a matter of age, but of the condition of the installations. The good news: this condition can be influenced. How? 1. Companies need to be willing to invest in modernization and replacement and 2. Companies have to start proactively with asset management. Again, the question is: how? This was the reason to formulate a Roadmap Asset Management.
By interviewing several industry leaders, who proved to be in control of their asset base, Mainnovation mapped out the route to professional asset management, specifically for the (petro)chemical industry. What is your current maturity level in maintenance and/or asset management and what can you do to improve and evolve to the next level? This will lead to being in control of your asset base, improve safety on site and become more competitive.
This presentation gives you insights in what needs to be arranged in order to professionalize your maintenance organization. How do you start with asset management or how can you improve and evolve to the next level?
If you want to travel to the next level, grab a roadmap and start by taking the first step. This first step is probably different for everyone, but either way this presentation shows you the direction and the concrete steps to be taken.
Digitalization is rapidly taking over the world. Also in maintenance and asset management there are great initiatives. But very often we let the data slip away like loose sand through our fingers. Many asset owners find the data quality too low or too incomplete to really control it. Yes, we have been digitalizing with our EAM system for 20 years, but what do we do with this data? Save it waiting for ‘real 4.0 projects’? In this way we miss out on big opportunities.
In this lecture, based on various cases, we will demonstrate that a lot can be done with limited or seemingly low-quality data. By using this data in a smart way, it is often a lever to improve quality. Without realizing it, many companies have a wealth of data that is already available today, but not actively used. We will show you that you cán build sandcastles with seemingly loose sand.
Do you want to improve the reliability of your installations and do you want to manage your organization based on ‘facts and figures’, be sure to come to this lecture.
Wees welkom in Antwerpen! Kijk voor meer informatie op: www.assetperformance.eu